I'll be at TheTransportationAlliance.org's Mobilize 2024 conference next week in Dallas speaking on Reducing Risk & Minimizing Premiums, and IATR.org's Fort Lauderdale conference in October moderating sessions focused on Accessibility.
Please reach out if you are looking for a subcontractor with demand response or fixed route bus expertise. yaffe@ymobility.info
1. You can read my blogs on tech and procurement at www.nadtc.org. Members of The Transportation Alliance have access to my monthly articles. I've also written technical reports for NADTC on accessible micro transit and Medicare Advantage NEMT.
2. I discussed Accessible Mobility at the 2022 & 2021 International Assn of Taxi Regulators Annual Conferences
5. I presented the demand response perspective at TRB's 2022 AP090 Lectern Session, Beyond Title 6: Making Equity a Priority with Transit Data.
6. Please check out the Publications tab on this website.
7. Please also check out https://nationalcenterformobilitymanagement.org/resources/technical-assistance-coordination-library, which will lead you to https://nationalcenterformobilitymanagement.org, https://www.nationalrtap.org and others.
I enjoyed moderating this joint NADTC/SUMC webinar on 8/5/20. The presentation materials and webinar transcript can be found at https://www.nadtc.org/event/inclusive-mobility-enabling-the-participation-of-older-adults-and-people-with-disabilities/
See Steve Yaffe's Technology for Demand Response Transportation Blog Series posted by NADTC.org at https://www.nadtc.org or at https://tinyurl.com/w8gwha3
The blogs address:
Equity is measurable. Just read a great piece on GreaterGreaterWashington which has educational links. Many of us are working hard to do better. Thoughts? https://ggwash.org/view/71256/why-are-city-planners-so-afraid-to-talk-about-race
I was honored to have the opportunity as a workgroup member to participate in developing “How to Address Transportation Equity for Latino Communities: Salud America!’s Workgroup Recommendations”. More info at https://salud-america.org/on-streets-of-injustice-heres-how-we-move-toward-transportation-equity-for-latinos/
This webinar was offered by The 82 Alliance, not-for-profit mobility think tank, in partnership with DS&MG (Arlington Transportation Partners & the Mobility Lab, and Econsult Solutions. The Role of Public Policy in Shaping Future Mobility including 5 Principles of a Bike New Deal (Ken McLeod, Policy Director American League of Bicyclists) & Transit After COVID-19 (Steve Yaffe, Yaffe Mobility Consulting)
The attached 2018 presentation was provided to introduce the concept of MicroTransit including service options.
MicroTransit 1st Mile Mont Co slides (pdf)
DownloadPresentation from the 4-28-18 NADTC.org Transportation, Dementia & Caregiving April 2018
Audio link from Aging Matters Discussion of Transit Options in Arlington, VA available at https://www.mixcloud.com/AgingMatters/public-transportationparatransit-services-steve-yaffe-arlington-cty-dept-of-envir-svcs-12262017/
My article on managing curb space was published July 24, 2019 in the Coord.co newsletter. Curb Space Management is key to managing traffic in congested areas and a tool to encourage intermodal transfers at suburban transit hubs between frequent limited-stop or express transit and microtransit & shuttles serving neighborhoods, industrial areas and office parks. Curb space managers need to accommodate a variety of needs - including boarding and alighting accomodations for transit, ADA paratransit and for non-emergency medical transportation services. The article is in the section below.
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Contact: 803-398-9100 or Yaffe@YMobility.info